The gentoo penguin is easily recognized by the wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head and its bright orange-red bill.

The gentoo penguin is easily recognized by the wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head and its bright orange-red bill.
Adélie penguins distinctive marks are the white ring surrounding the eye and the feathers at the base of the bill.
Chinsstraps are easily recognized by their white face and the fine black line across the cheeks.
Although there are 35 species of seals, only six types live in Antarctica: Antarctic Fur Seals, Crabeater Seals, Leopard Seals, Ross Seals, and Weddell Seals.
Whales most commonly found in Antarctic waters are the Right, Blue, Sei, Humpback, Minke, Fin, Sperm and Killer whales.